St. Ann Place Outreach Center I 561-805-7708 • 2107 N. Dixie Highway, West Palm Beach, FL 33407

Document Support and Storage

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ID Assistance

Clients can meet with an attorney that aids in various administrative matters. Common matters our clients face are identification issues (acquiring birth certificates), obtaining access to their social security benefits, and navigating issues related to their housing.

Physical Mailing Address

Clients can use the address of St. Ann Place Outreach Center as their physical address. This is an essential service as physical mail correspondence is required by some agencies to communicate with clients. 

Document Assistance

Housing or shelter programs require individuals to be “Document Ready”, this means that clients must have a “basic” set of documents for submission to various programs. For example, HUD housing requires applicants to have birth certificates, state-issued IDs, and at least two pieces of mail showing their current address. We assist clients in obtaining and organizing these documents.

Document Storage

Clients of St Ann Place can use St Ann as a place to securely store and house important documents, such as ID, Birth Certificates and Social Security cards. All documents can be stored both physically and digitally.

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